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350 West Bowery Street
Akron, OH, 44307
United States

+1 330 252-9220

Official website for EarthQuaker Devices. We build guitar effects by hand in the quaint landlocked city of Akron, Ohio.


f you want Fuzz, you got it. Germanium, Silicon, it’s all here. We test our vintage NOS transistors by hand because we wouldn’t want it any other way. And if searing, modern fuzz is your thing, we have that, too. Octave fuzzes? Totally. Gated, blown-out dying battery sounds? Yep. There’s a fuzz for that.


If you want Fuzz, you got it. Germanium, Silicon, it’s all here. We test our vintage NOS transistors by hand because we wouldn’t want it any other way. And if searing, modern fuzz is your thing, we have that, too. Octave fuzzes? Totally. Gated, blown-out dying battery sounds? Yep. There’s a fuzz for that. Read our easy sonic comparison of EQD fuzzes and get an idea of which pedal may be perfect for your board.


Low End Fuzz Driver



Automatic Pulse Width Modulation Fuzz and Dynamic Natural Overdrive



Fuzz Sustainar


Hoof®Hybrid Fuzz$179.00


Hybrid Fuzz


Park Fuzz Sound™Vintage Germanium Fuzz Tone$179.00

Park Fuzz Sound™

Vintage Germanium Fuzz Tone
